Project Management
Project Dashboard
Users can accomplish many basic tasks from the Project Dashboard. Alternative interfaces may be generated by other developers and the functionality may be replicated in other places. The goal of this interface is to give paleographers a central place to access the important TPEN functionality that does not include transcription.
Switching Projects
Users can use their list of Projects to switch between them. Other versions of this functionality may also take into account metadata about the Projects, grouping some together or filtering based on user role or language, for example. This space may also include a simple way to delete a Project if the roles allow.
Describing a Project
Simple information about the Project, including the title, description, date, location, and language may be modified by group members with appropriate roles. A link into a more detailed Project Description may also be provided.
Sharing a Project
Users may share a Project with other users. The dashboard will provide simple switches for marking the Project as public or releasing it as complete, while a separate interface can provide more specific controls. A list of users granted elevated roles on this Project will also be visible, with a link to the interface to modify roles and send invitations into the Project.
This space is also a helpful location for sharing links and interfaces for distributing the Project including a read-only TPEN interface, a URL for the dynamic Project as a IIIF Manifest, or an id for a permanent release of a version of the Project as a IIIF document.
Customizing a Project
This section mostly consists of links into more complicated interfaces. Customizing a Project may not be necessary for many users, but for those who need it, the demands are high.
- Collection: Projects can be made up of several manuscripts and so an existing Project may be considered as a composition of documents that can be added after a Project is created.
- Page/Layer Order: Especially when a smaller portion of a large linked document is desired, users may want to remove or rearrange the pages. This can be done uniformly for all Layers or the Project may require that each Layer be individually ordered.
- Transcription Hotkeys: The transcription interface may benefit from the inclusion of customized hotkeys or buttons to provide the paleographer with simple access to characters or markup tags that are difficult or repetitive to type.
- Interface Defaults: Instead of the TPEN standard, the Project may be set up to point to a different interface for transcription, image segmentation, or other tasks.
- Transcription Tools: One common feature to long-time TPEN users is the splitscreen tool, which places a useful resource directly aside the transcription workspace. This section allows for the simple toggling of built-in tools or the implementation of new ones through iframes.
Project Pipelines
This section exists outside the scope of the currently funded upgrade but will allow for Project events to trigger external services. For example, a new Project may feed its Manifest to an external HTR service to identify lines and attempt transcription, a published Project may submit itself to a queue for moderation in an external collection, or updates by some group members may notify another member for review.