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News and updates related to the design and development of the TPEN 3.0 project.

- 2 of 9 total posts -

  • Welcome Victor Onoja (11th March 2024) Patrick Cuba

    Welcome Victor Onoja

    It is with great pleasure that we welcome new members to the TPEN staff. Victor Onoja is a student in the Masters of Computer Science program at Saint Louis University. He is dedicated to the full-stack development of the TPEN 3.0 upgrade including its services and interfaces.

  • Major Upgrade for TPEN (9th January 2024) Patrick Cuba

    Major Upgrade for TPEN

    We are humbled to announce that our TPEN project has been awarded a Digital Humanities Advancement Grant through the National Endowment for the Humanities (press release). Work has already begun and you can expect a more active thread of posts about it over the next couple years.